Sunday, February 2, 2014

In My Mailbox (30) & Stacking the Shelves (36)

Welcome to this week's In My Mailbox. In My Mailbox (IMM) is hosted by The Story Siren, who was inspired by a fellow book blogger Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. It features books I have bought or received for review.

Stacking the Shelves by Tynga`s Reviews is about adding books to my shelves I received during the past week whether it is physical or virtual.

Bought from Amazon:

The Golden Dynasty by Kristen Ashley

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge

Making Faces by Amy Harmon

I got awesome books this week! I just finished reading The Golden Dynasty and I cannot tell you how much I loved this book. My review will be up sometime this week. I have been hearing a lot about Cruel Beauty so I decided to buy it. I bought Making Faces because one of the book blogs I follow says it is a great book and I value her opinion so I am excited to start this one as well. 
There should be some great books coming out this month. Should be great!


Thursday, January 30, 2014

New Release: Beauty From Love by Georgia Cates

Beauty from Love (Beauty #3)
By: Georgia Cates
Released January 30, 2014
An Adult Contemporary Romance
The epic romance between an all-American beauty and her Aussie continues in this final installment of The Beauty Series. Jack McLachlan is fulfilled by more than he dared to dream possible. He finds everything he never knew he wanted—or needed—in Laurelyn Prescott, his last and final companion. Life is beautiful with his beloved by his side but their post-wedded bliss is cut short when his dark past springs into their present happiness. He wants to shelter Laurelyn but keeping her untainted by his previous life proves impossible when yesterday’s sins insist on returning to haunt him. Will it be possible for them to find happiness in their forever with a past like his? Beauty From Love is an adult contemporary novel and is not intended for younger readers due to mature content.

About the Author 
Georgia resides in rural Mississippi with her wonderful husband, Jeff, and their two beautiful daughters. She spent fourteen years as a labor and delivery nurse before she decided to pursue her dream of becoming an author and hasn’t looked back yet. When she’s not writing, she’s thinking about writing. When she’s being domestic, she’s listening to her iPod and visualizing scenes for her current work in progress. Every story coming from her always has a song to inspire it.

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Blog Tour: Hardpressed (Hacker #2) by Meredith Wild

Title: Hardpressed (Hacker#2)
Author: Meredith Wild
Genre: Erotic Romance 18+
Publication Date: December 9, 2013
Event organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.


In Hardpressed, the highly anticipated second book of the Hacker Series that began with Hardwired, Blake and Erica face threats that put both their love and their lives on the line. Despite Blake Landon’s controlling ways, the young and wealthy hacker finally won the trust of the woman he loves. Internet entrepreneur Erica Hathaway broke down the walls that kept her from opening her heart and her business to Blake. Ready to start this new chapter in her life, Erica is determined not to let anything come between them, even if that means giving Blake back some of the control he craves in and out of the bedroom. But when demons from her past threaten their future, Erica makes a decision that could change their lives forever.

Add Hardpressed to Goodreads

Purchase Links for Hardpressed: Amazon US | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Google Play

Purchase Links for Hardwired: Amazon US | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Google Play

About the Author

Meredith Wild picked up her first romance novel at the tender age of twelve, and shortly after put pen to word processor and made her first attempt at writing a love story inspired by those she so enjoyed reading well past her bedtime.Her dream of writing took a back seat to college, parenthood and eventually entrepreneurship, which led her into the fast-paced and male-dominated high tech industry. With enough life experience for a few lifetimes, she now devotes her hours to writing contemporary adult romance, with a hint of kink.Her debut novel Hardwired tells the story of billionaire bad boy, Blake Landon, and the object of his obsession, strong-willed tech startup CEO, Erica Hathaway.When she isn’t writing or mothering, Meredith can be found sunbathing with an adult beverage.

Connect with the Author: Blog | Facebook | Goodreads | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest

My Review:
All I have to say is WOW. Hardpressed is a great sequel to Hardwired. I honestly could not get enough of both books. I was instantly hooked.  I wanted it to continue forever.

Erica is independent, determined and driven. Her mother died when she was 12 leaving her with only her step father. When she goes to boarding school, she loses him as well. Having to take care of herself for years, she is not used to someone telling her how to run her life. Enters Blake Landon. Blake is the typical alpha male and needs to dominate and control everything. When Erica and Blake first meet sparks fly.

In Hardpressed, Erica is just as independent as ever, yet, she begins to accept (little by little of course) Blake’s dominate and possessive. I love the relationship between Erica and Blake. There is A LOT of steam but there love is precious.  They always put each other first no matter what. I have read other novels of the same genre and this series provides you with something different. It is completely addictive. I have been going to bed at 3am every night while reading it because I needed to know what was going to happen.

This book left me speechless at times. At some parts, I had no idea the author was going to go that route but I enjoyed it none the less. We meet some new characters along the way and some of the characters show you their real agenda is this book. I am so EXCITED to read the next book, Hardline. I really want to get my hands on it.

My Rating:
4.5 stars out of 5

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