Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cover Reveal: Where We Hide by Dulaney-Glen

Where We Hide
An Adult Contemporary Romance
By Authors Dulaney-Glen
Releasing March 2014
Cover designed by Okay Creations

It was a wrinkled, white envelope pushed to the back of the mailbox. In it, a note carrying one word written at the top … Tallence. It held everything that I had been hiding from for twelve years ... our past, our memories, the pain, and the hope of healing. Everything that I had given up on in just one letter, and all it said was: Everyone is hiding from something … until we’re not, and that’s when the real struggle begins. When there’s nothing and nowhere left to hide. I’m done hiding. -Grant

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 About the Authors K. Dulaney & J. Glen, sisters & authors.
K. Dulaney was born, raised, and still resides in the Mountains of North Carolina. She is the proud mother to an amazing little boy, and happily married to her high school sweetheart. Dulaney attended Southern Universities and obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Masters in Family Studies. Her passion for reading and books began at very early age, and Dulaney dreamed of one day writing stories of her own. Partnering with her sister, J. Glen, they began a journey that has exceeded their expectations and proven that through hard work and determination, that dream can be a reality. J. Glen is a North Carolina native currently residing in a small mountainous town. She attended an East Coast university and obtained a degree in Communication and Journalism. With an interest in writing at a young age, Glen had one idea of the perfect career and now, along with the help of her sister, she's embarking on a journey to achieve just that. 

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Sunday, January 19, 2014

In My Mailbox (28) & Stacking the Shelves (34)

Welcome to this week's In My Mailbox. In My Mailbox (IMM) is hosted by The Story Siren, who was inspired by a fellow book blogger Alea of Pop Culture Junkie. It features books I have bought or received for review.

Stacking the Shelves by Tynga`s Reviews is about adding books to my shelves I received during the past week whether it is physical or virtual.

Bought from Amazon:

Darkness of Light by Stacey Marie Brown

In the Stillness by Andrea Randall

Forever With You (Fixed #3) by Laurelin Paige

What books did you purchase or receive this week???


Friday, January 17, 2014

Cover Reveal: Wickingham Way by S.R. Grey

Wickingham Way
Final novel of A Harbour Falls Mystery Trilogy
Romantic Suspense/Contemporary Romance/Mystery
Releasing February 28, 2014
Cover designed by Damonza

When Maddy Fitch discovers there's a hit out on the love of her life--the handsome, but often secretive Adam Ward--she concludes life with such a powerful man may never be normal. But who wants normal? Not Maddy--mystery writer and sometimes-sleuth. The heart-stopping action begins immediately in Wickingham Way when an attempt is made on Adam's life, prompting the couple to seek refuge at a "safe house." Tucked away in a cabin deep in the heart of Maine, Maddy and Adam fall deeper in love. But their happiness is cut short when someone they care deeply for is kidnapped, by the same organization that wants Adam Ward dead. Adam and Maddy return to Harbour Falls, and a dangerous cat-and-mouse games ensues. Twists and turns abound, keeping Maddy and Adam on their toes. But will the consequences of the decisions they must make prove deadly? Only time will tell. Final novel of A Harbour Falls Mystery Trilogy. Contemporary Romance/Mystery genres. *Mature themes, graphic sex, violence*

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  About the Author S.R. Grey is the author of the bestselling novel Harbour Falls, as well as Willow Point and Wickingham Way (due out January 2014), all novels in A Harbour Falls Mystery series. She is also the author of I Stand Before You, the first novel in the Judge Me Not series (New Adult/Contemporary Romance genres). Ms. Grey resides in western Pennsylvania. She has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree, as well as an MBA. Her background is in business, but her passion lies in writing. She is currently working on Never Doubt Me, the second novel of the Judge Me Not series. Expected publication: Spring 2014. When not writing, Ms. Grey can be found reading, traveling, running, or cheering for her hometown sports teams. 

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